Vipers: A Guide for the Advanced Hobbyist


Russian Federation Kadoshkino
13 г. назад
Vipers: A Guide for the Advanced Hobbyist

Vipers: A Guide for the Advanced Hobbyist (Complete Pet Owner's Manual)
By R.D. Bartlett, Kenneth Wray

Barron's Educational Series, 2005. 96 p

Vipers are snakes distinguished by their large, movable fangs, and many different species are found throughout the world. Here is expert guidance on care, housing, and breeding of this often dangerous group of snakes. Heavily illustrated with vivid color photos and instructive line art, this book was written by one of America's leading experts on reptiles and their care.


Эта, а также другие книги по герпетологии находятся на сайте Герпетофауна Волжского бассейна

Изменено 27-1-2010 автор KingSnake
2010-01-27 добавлено 27/01/2010 16:01:03#238508

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Russian Federation Moscow
7 г. назад

Очень полезные ссылки, благодарствую!
2010-01-27 добавлено 27/01/2010 16:04:31#238510

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